The community produce garden thrived despite the rather soggy weather this year. This was the project's first year and therefore a little trial and error. However there was plenty to learn about and some of that learning can be taken forward and used to best advantage for next years plan. Thank you to all who participated in this project and for your generous donations of seeds and seedlings which helped the project along.
All the work that went into planting produced some wonderful produce; beans, broad and runner, tomatoes, courgettes, artichokes, onions, strawberries, cabbages and a host of others were all set out in the community produce stall twice a week for the community to share in.
We were also very fortunate that some residents also donated their surplus fruit and vegetables for this purpose.
The sunflowers planted by the children of Northiam Primary School did suffer a little from the early rain and animal visitors to the site, but in the end with some tender loving care grew to great heights and were a real ray of sunshine.
As the Autumn is now upon us and winter just around the corner, all the produce has now been harvested and whilst planting for winter vegetables has taken place it will be some time until these are ready for sharing. From now until further notice the vegetable stall will be closed.