On our first day back into the new year our intrepid team of volunteers were up at the community produce garden starting work to prepare for the spring.
The latest project is the setting up of the polytunnel bought with the National Garden Scheme Grant we obtained last Autumn.
This 3 metre wide polytunnel will help us to propagate seeds and seedlings, nurture delicate plants sheltering from the elements and generally provide a whole range of opportunities to explore growing new and diverse produce.
The daffodils are now starting to peek through and should provide a glorious array of colour very soon. A herb garden has been placed between the two cold frames. Some winter weeding and general tidying up was done. A cold day but the team spirit kept everyone going.
If you live in Northiam and wish to become a member of St Francis Fields Community Interest Company you can find out more here or via email us at stfrancisfieldsnorthiam@gmail.com.